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Mahjong APK

Versão: 4.2.0

Mahjong application that you can enjoy from beginners to advanced users

4.1 107.35 MB 1,000,000

Virus free

  • Mahjong APK
  • Mahjong APK
  • Mahjong APK
  • Mahjong APK
  • Mahjong APK
Revisão do Editor

Free mahjong application that you can play anytime, anywhere from beginner to advanced.

■ How to play and features
You can play a full-fledged four-person mahjong that you can enjoy from beginners to advanced players.
You can play with mahjong at any moment in the striking muscle corresponding to CPU level.
You can analyze the role trends, the reach order, etc. with detailed battle records that understand your trends.
You can change your mood with playing game rules that you can set freely and play everyday.

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